Comparative effect of dry extract of Satureja montana, rosmarinic acid, and carvacrol on serum cytokines levels in acute cold stress model. Comparison of the results with one-way ANOVA gave the following results: IL-6: F=3.605; p<0.0001; IL-1β: F=1.055; p=0.413; TNF-α: F=2.642; p=0.007. Further comparison of the groups with LSD post hoc test found the following: * A significant decrease of IL-6 serum concentration in the group treated with Satureja montana 250 mg/kg b.w. compared with RA treated group (p=0.011); # A significant decrease of IL-6 serum concentration in the group treated with Satureja montana 250 mg/kg b.w. compared with carvacrol treated group (p=0.019); ^ A significant decrease of TNF-α serum concentration in the group treated with Satureja montana 250 mg/kg b.w. compared with RA treated group (p=0.036).

  Part of: Vilmosh N, Georgieva-Kotetarova M, Kandilarov I, Zlatanova-Tenisheva H, Murdjeva M, Kirina V, Dimitrova S, Katsarova M, Denev P, Kostadinova I (2024) Anti-inflammatory and in vitro antioxidant activities of Satureja montana dry extract. Folia Medica 66(1): 114-122.