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Afrah Khazal Al Hamdany, Lamiaa A. Hasan, Mohammed Najeeb Abdullah Alrawi, Emad Hazim Kasim Alhajar (2023)
PowerScope 2 functional appliance: A 3D finite element simulation of its action on the mandible.
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Remmiya Mary Varghese, Subramanian Aravind Kumar, Yogesh Selvaraj (2023)
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Avisha Middha, Yash D Shah, Seema Gupta, Farhan A Syed, Hemanth RV, Mohammed Nashiroddin (2023)
A Comparative Analysis of Treatment Effects of PowerScope and AdvanSync2 in Class II Division 1 Malocclusion: A Retrospective Study.
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Aravind K Subramanian, Mathew T Maliael, Remmiya Mary Varghese (2023)
PowerScope™ for Class II Malocclusions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
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