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Article title
Patients and methods
Initial parameters (T1)
Second evaluation of vitamin D values (T2)
Statistical analysis
Results of the initial parameter analysis (T1)
Comparison of the initially measured vitamin D in the whole sample (T1) and patient group before (T1) and after vitamin D supplementation (T2)
Initial vitamin D values and their values after vitamin D treatment (at time T1 and T2) in different diagnoses
Correlation of the initial vitamin D values and their values after 3 months supplementation by age
Comparison between the initial vitamin D values and their values after 3 months supplementation by sex
Comparison of vitamin D values by living environments
Vitamin D values depending on allergies and allergic diseases
Correlation between the initial values of vitamin D and the IgE values
Comparison of vitamin D between the skin conditions in the patient group after the treatment
Comparison of disease status between patients supplemented with vitamin D and non-supplemented patients
Comparison of vitamin D within the patient group after treatment/supplementation by disease outcome (improvement, exacerbation, same)
Comparison of vitamin levels before and after vitamin D therapy in the patients treated with vitamin D
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