Case Report |
Corresponding author: Vasilena Ivanova ( ) © 2024 Krikor Giragosyan, Lyubomir Chenchev, Vasilena Ivanova.
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Giragosyan K, Chenchev L, Ivanova V (2024) Implementing 3D printing in alveolar ridge augmentation procedure – a case report. Folia Medica 66(5): 721-725.
Reduction of the bone dimensions after tooth loss leads to complications during dental implant placement and prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient. Ridge augmentation procedures aim to increase the available bone volume and provide adequate surface area for the following treatment. Different methods and materials are suggested for the purposes of guided bone regeneration. This case report represents the management of a severe bone atrophy with a 3D printed titanium mesh.
3D printing, bone graft, ridge augmentation, titanium mesh
Alveolar ridge deficiencies present a hurdle for prosthetically driven implant placement. Nowadays, the decreased levels of available bone can be overcome with different regeneration procedures including bone blocks, distraction osteogenesis or guided bone regeneration carried out with the use of different membranes.[
A 51-year-old female came to the Research Institute of the Medical University of Plovdiv with the chief complaint of chewing difficulty on her left side due to loss of inferior second premolar and the two molars. The extractions happened a while back (the patient could not remember when exactly) and no precautions were taken to preserve the dimensions of the alveolar ridge, hence the available bone in area was lacking in height and width (Fig.
The presented cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) shows that the height of the alveolar ridge is only suitable for placing short dental implants; however, the width, though it may seem adequate, would not allow for prosthetically driven implant placement. For those reasons, we decided to treat the patient with vertical and horizontal guided bone regeneration (GBR) and delayed implant placement.
This case was part of a larger patient sample size involving a variety of bone deficient sites. The treatment of those patients was randomized (using the simple randomization method) in two groups, so GBR on one was done with the gold standard – titanium reinforced PTFE, and on the other – with custom 3D printed titanium mesh. The case we describe in the present article fell in the latter category. DICOM files obtained from the CBCT scans were sent to a company which specialized in printing titanium medical appliances (Biotec srl) and specific instructions were given with regards to the desired dimensions of the future alveolar ridge (Fig.
DICOM files used to build a STL image of the site, which is virtually augmented and, lastly, a Ti mesh is designed over the augmented volume.
As can be observed from the presented image, the mesh is designed in such a way that it does not impinge on adjacent vital structures – in this case, the mental foramen and the nerve emerging from it. A small side note, which will be important later – in the “blueprint” of the titanium framework, weaker spots are left on the occlusal side of the mesh, which aids its removal after the healing period (Fig.
After the patient is anesthetized, a buccal and lingual mucoperiosteal flaps are created for adequate access to the surgical site to be obtained. The incision design aims to create the so called “asymmetrical flap” by making a crestal incision, which buccally is extended two teeth away, and lingually – only one tooth away from the defect site and both sulcular incision ending with a vertical releasing incision. A crucial aspect of any GBR procedure is the flap mobilization, and for the buccal flap, it was a simple periosteal releasing incision. As for the lingual flap – it was divided in three zones, which corresponded to the mobilization technique used for the release (Figs
The soft tissues in the retromolar area were only elevated from their bony foundation (Fig.
The rest of the procedure involved fenestration of the cortical bone of the accepting region to promote vascularization for the future bone regeneration. Bony graft was loaded on the printed titanium mesh, placed over the atrophic ridge, and fixed with screws and lastly the flaps over the metallic superstructure were sutured in bilayered manner.
After an uneventful healing time of seven months, a CBCT image showed the results of the successfully regenerated bone (Fig.
The site was uncovered and for ease of mesh removal its buccal and lingual plate were separated by cutting the “weak spots” on the occlusal surface of the titanium structure. The “pseudoperiosteum” was removed from the newly regenerated tissue and implants were placed in the designated sites (Fig.
Alveolar ridge deficiencies have prevented clinicians from offering their partially or fully edentulous patients fixed prosthetic solutions due to the tremendous skillset required to use a conventional membrane for graft stabilization. Because of the physical properties of the titanium mesh and the fact that it is specifically designed this is no longer the case. Surgical time is dramatically decreased since there is no need for the clinician to cut, shape and carefully position the membrane to the desired place. What is more, the rigidity of the medical device eliminates the need to use numerous fixation screws to optimize graft stability, which decreases accidental perforation of adjacent anatomical structures. Another advantageous feature is the microporosity of the meshes structure, which dramatically increases the graft’s vascularization by opening the way to the blood vessels in the periosteum. With those remarks in mind, the practitioner only has to take time in careful mobilization of the buccal and, in mandibular cases, the lingual flap.
However, some of the features of the titanium mesh are not without its opponents. Because of the rugged structure of the metal’s surface, it has been stated that this could be a reason for flap dehiscence – the most notable culprit for negative results after GBR.[
The benefit of the titanium mesh in terms of increased vascularization was recently implemented in the creation of a titanium reinforced PTFE mesh, which has openings on the occlusal side on the product only. The macroporosity of those medical devices gives the practitioner the ability to utilize BMPs osteoinductive properties alongside with their bone graft, since the morphogenic proteins work only if there are mesenchymal cells nearby, in this kind of procedure – from the periosteum.[
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