Corresponding author: Jayesh Dhalani ( ) © Jayesh Dhalani, Gaurang Dubal, Chirag Rathod, Pankaj Nariya. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Citation:
Dhalani J, Dubal G, Rathod C, Nariya P (2020) Evaluation of Non-polar Composition in Plumbago Zeylanica Leaves by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. Folia Medica 62(2): 308-313. |
Background: Plumbago zeylanica plant belongs to Plumbaginaceae. The plant is reported for many pharmacological activities.
Aim: The objective of the study was to identify fatty acids and non-polar chemical compounds in Plumbago zeylanica leaves.
Materials and methods: Petroleum ether extract was prepared using soxhlet apparatus. Saponifiable and unsaponifiable matter was separated with saponification process. To identify fatty acids in saponifiable matter further esterification was performed. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis was performed of both saponifiable and unsaponifiable fractions. All the fatty acid methyl esters and non-polar chemical compounds were identified using NIST library data.
Results: A total of 14 compounds were identified with comparison of NIST data. From that, 8 fatty acid methyl esters and 6 non-polar chemical compounds were identified. Here we have analyzed fatty acids and non-polar chemical compounds by the same GC-MS method.
Conclusions: The present analysis showed that Plumbago Zeylanica leaves contain 8 fatty acids and 6 non-polar chemical compounds. Principal determination of the research was development of efficient method to identify non-polar compound from plant by single injection using chromatographic technique.