Folia Medica 63(6): 847-857, doi: 10.3897/folmed.63.e57073
Acute Management of Deep Facial Burns
expand article infoKatia I. Kalinova, Ralitsa D. Raycheva§, Neli Petrova§, Petar A. Uchikov§
‡ St George's University Hospital, Plovdiv, Bulgaria§ MU Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Open Access

Introduction: Management of deep facial burns is a serious challenge for many reasons: a considerable anatomic and functional diversity is concentrated in a small space, a uniform treatment does not exist, late sequelae are frequent and may be severe, and the literature on the subject is ambiguous.

Aim: To analyse management of deep facial burns.

Patients and methods: A retrospective medical chart review was conducted for 569 patients with deep facial burns hospitalized between January 2005 and January 2015. Demographic data, type, depth and size of burns, chronology and type of surgical treatment, length of hospital stay, and type and incidence of late sequelae were analysed and compared.

Results: Over 10 years, 596 patients with deep facial burns, 216 (36.24%) females and 380 (63.76%) males, aged from 5 months to 95 years (mean 39.5±26 years) were treated. The most common burn agents were hot liquids and flames. The mean total body surface area (TBSA) burned was 17±13.3%. Concomitant eye injury was detected in 63 (10.6%) patients. Priority was given to the early, meticulous, staged surgical approach aimed at sparing the survived tissues and rapid wound closure. Follow-up ranged from 3 months to 5 years. Late functional sequelae were documented for 50 (8.38%) patients and ocular sequelae - for 33 (5.54%) of them. There was no incidence of secondary corneal perforation or definitive loss of vision.

Conclusions: Adequate and up-to-date acute management of deep facial burns based on early, judicious, surgical approach could limit initial damage and reduce late sequelae.

acute surgery, deep burn, face