1-28 issues matching your criteria:
Folia Medica 64(4) (2022)
Papers published: 22
| Total pages: -1177
Geriatrics (1),
Microbiology (3),
Neurosurgery (1),
Dermatology (1),
Dental medicine (3),
Public health (1),
Immunology (2),
Molecular biology (1),
Neurology (2),
Diagnostic medicine (2),
Chemistry & biophysics (1),
Oncology (5),
Clinical laboratory & Analytics (1),
Metabolic disorders (1),
Gastroenterology & Hepatology (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (2),
Infectious diseases (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (1),
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Psychiatry (1),
Pharmacology (1),
Anatomy (1),
Biology (1),
Prosthetic dental medicine (1),
Women health (1),
Experimental pharmacology (1)
Folia Medica 64(3) (2022)
Papers published: 25
| Total pages: 178
Microbiology (1),
Molecular biology (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (1),
Anatomy (1),
Periodontology (1),
Internal Diseases (2),
Dermatology (2),
Pharmacy (2),
Oncology (1),
Dental medicine (1),
General surgery (1),
Cardiology (1),
Metabolic disorders (1),
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Neurology (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (5),
Chemistry & biophysics (1),
Pathophysiology (1),
Infectious diseases (3),
Nutrition (2),
Clinical laboratory & Analytics (1),
Public health (2),
General Pathology (2),
Diagnostic medicine (3),
Women health (1)
Folia Medica 64(2) (2022)
Papers published: 26
| Total pages: 170
Ophthalmology (1),
Biology (1),
General surgery (1),
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Dermatology (1),
Oncology (3),
Immunology (2),
Dental medicine (5),
Pedodontics (1),
Diagnostic medicine (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (1),
Chemistry & biophysics (1),
Anesthesiology (1),
Clinical laboratory & Analytics (3),
Anatomy (2),
Complementary & Alternative medicine (1),
Clinical genetics (1),
Metabolic disorders (1),
Women health (2),
Neurology (1),
General Pathology (1),
Pathophysiology (1),
Pharmacy (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (2),
Endodontics and restorative dental medicine (1),
Anatomy & Morphology (3),
Public health (2),
Congenial disorders (1)
Folia Medica 64(1) (2022)
Papers published: 26
| Total pages: 181
Anatomy (1),
Forensics (1),
Pharmacology (1),
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Dermatology (2),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (2),
Neurology (4),
General Pathology (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (1),
Anesthesiology (1),
Clinical genetics (1),
Pharmacy (2),
Anatomy & Morphology (2),
General surgery (2),
Autoimmune diseases (1),
Women health (1),
Tropical medicine (1),
Oncology (3),
Psychiatry (1),
Oral pathology (1),
Experimental pharmacology (1),
Pedodontics (1),
Biology (2),
Dental medicine (6),
Internal Diseases (2),
Infectious diseases (1),
Endodontics and restorative dental medicine (3),
Nutrition (1)
Folia Medica 63(6) (2021)
Papers published: 26
| Total pages: 179
Endocrinology (1),
Pedodontics (1),
Metabolic disorders (2),
Neurology (1),
Autoimmune diseases (1),
Microbiology (1),
Clinical laboratory & Analytics (2),
Biology (2),
Pharmacy (2),
Endodontics and restorative dental medicine (1),
Oral surgery (1),
Anatomy (1),
Oncology (4),
Anatomy & Morphology (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (3),
Public health (1),
Forensics (1),
Emergency medicine (1),
Diagnostic medicine (4),
Pathophysiology (1),
Nutrition (2),
Prosthetic dental medicine (1),
Toxicology (1),
Cardiology (1),
Complementary & Alternative medicine (2),
Pharmacology (2),
Periodontology (1),
Dental medicine (2),
Chemistry & biophysics (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (5),
Women health (2),
Internal Diseases (2)
Folia Medica 63(5) (2021)
Papers published: 24
| Total pages: 188
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (1),
Public health (2),
Biology (1),
Oncology (2),
Neurology (3),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (3),
Clinical laboratory & Analytics (2),
Diagnostic medicine (1),
General surgery (1),
Nephrology (1),
Pharmaceutical technology (1),
Anatomy (2),
Pharmacology (3),
Molecular biology (3),
Anatomy & Morphology (2),
Infectious diseases (3),
Neurosurgery (1),
Chemistry & biophysics (3),
Pulmonology (1),
Urology (1),
Clinical genetics (1),
Pharmacy (3),
Tropical medicine (1),
Dental medicine (3)
Folia Medica 63(4) (2021)
Papers published: 23
| Total pages: 156
Pharmacology (1),
Internal Diseases (1),
Dental medicine (3),
Urology (2),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (2),
Pulmonology (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (3),
Public health (2),
Diagnostic medicine (1),
Pharmacy (1),
General Pathology (1),
Immunology (2),
Infectious diseases (4),
Geriatrics (1),
Women health (1),
Emergency medicine (3),
Sport medicine (1),
General surgery (1),
Dermatology (1),
Cardiology (2),
Obstetrics & Gynecology (1),
Radiology & Imaging (1)
Folia Medica 63(3) (2021)
Papers published: 22
| Total pages: 151
Clinical genetics (1),
Chemistry & biophysics (2),
Hematology (1),
Anesthesiology (1),
Dental medicine (4),
Oncology (4),
Orthodontics (1),
General Pathology (1),
Emergency medicine (1),
Periodontology (1),
Tropical medicine (1),
Diagnostic medicine (1),
Psychiatry (1),
Molecular biology (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (5),
Complementary & Alternative medicine (1),
Endocrinology (1),
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases (1),
Pulmonology (1),
Infectious diseases (2),
Urology (1),
Pharmacology (3),
Public health (2),
Women health (1),
General surgery (1),
Cardiology (1),
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Biology (1)
Folia Medica 63(2) (2021)
Papers published: 21
| Total pages: 139
General surgery (1),
Congenial disorders (2),
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Diagnostic medicine (3),
Pharmacy (2),
Anesthesiology (1),
Dental medicine (2),
Clinical laboratory & Analytics (1),
Dermatology (1),
Oncology (3),
Public health (1),
Orthopedics & Traumatology (1),
Biology (2),
Molecular biology (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (4),
Neurosurgery (1),
Thoracic surgery (1),
Internal Diseases (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (1),
Infectious diseases (5),
Chemistry & biophysics (1),
Gastroenterology & Hepatology (1),
Neurology (1),
Pulmonology (1),
Pharmacology (3),
Pedodontics (1),
Urology (1)
Folia Medica 63(1) (2021)
Papers published: 21
| Total pages: 149
Neurosurgery (2),
Diagnostic medicine (3),
Nursing & Midwifery (1),
Public health (3),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (2),
Infectious diseases (2),
Molecular biology (1),
Clinical genetics (1),
Oncology (1),
Orthodontics (1),
Pharmacy (5),
Clinical pharmacology (1),
Anesthesiology (1),
Pharmacology (2),
Dental medicine (2),
Women health (1),
Internal Diseases (1),
Psychiatry (1),
Metabolic disorders (1),
Endodontics and restorative dental medicine (1),
Chemistry & biophysics (1),
Biology (1),
Clinical laboratory & Analytics (1),
Biopharmacy (1),
Nutrition (2)
Folia Medica 62(4) (2020)
Papers published: 31
| Total pages: 235
Neurology (3),
Pulmonology (2),
Clinical genetics (1),
Metabolic disorders (1),
Nutrition (1),
Hematology (2),
Women health (1),
Oncology (7),
Biology (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (4),
Infectious diseases (3),
Psychiatry (2),
Complementary & Alternative medicine (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (3),
Dental medicine (5),
Pharmacology (1),
Public health (1),
Nursing & Midwifery (1),
Periodontology (1),
Pathophysiology (1),
Radiology & Imaging (1),
Diagnostic medicine (1),
Emergency medicine (1),
Internal Diseases (1),
General Pathology (2),
Epidemiology (1)
Folia Medica 62(3) (2020)
Papers published: 34
| Total pages: 408
Immunology (2),
Anesthesiology (1),
Periodontology (2),
Social pharmacy (1),
Oral surgery (2),
Pharmacoeconomy (1),
Dental medicine (7),
Obstetrics & Gynecology (1),
Experimental pharmacology (1),
Pediatrics & Genetic diseases (1),
Infectious diseases (2),
Neurosurgery (1),
Radiology & Imaging (2),
Geriatrics (1),
Urology (1),
Emergency medicine (1),
Anatomy (1),
Health Care (1),
Oral pathology (1),
Public health (1),
Pharmacy (1),
Endodontics and restorative dental medicine (3),
Toxicology (1),
Epidemiology (1),
Oncology (4),
Neurology (1),
Surgery & Invasive treatment (8),
Dermatology (1),
Internal Diseases (1),
Women health (3),
Metabolic disorders (2),
Prosthetic dental medicine (2),
Pharmacology (2)