Original Article
Original Article
Efficacy and safety of Aviron Rapid® in adolescents and children with viral acute upper respiratory tract infection: a multi-center, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
expand article infoRada M. Markova§, Iren S. Tzotcheva|, Penka Perenovska, Atanas Mangarov#, Lubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb¤, Veselin Hadjiev«
‡ First Pediatric Consultative Clinic, Sofia, Bulgaria
§ Medical University of Pleven, Pleven, Bulgaria
| NI Pirogov University Hospital for Emergency Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria
¶ Alexandrovska University Hospital, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
# Prof. I. Kirov University Hospital for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
¤ National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria
« University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria
Open Access


Introduction: Acute upper respiratory tract infections (AURTIs) are associated with a significant burden on society attributed to medical care and loss of productivity. Novel therapies that are able to shorten disease duration, while providing symptom relief and being well tolerated, are an unmet medical need.

Aim: The main objective of this trial was to investigate the efficacy and safety of Aviron Rapid, a dietary supplement containing andrographolide, proprietary spirulina, and humic acid, in the management of AURTIs in adolescents and children.

Materials and methods: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted between January 2020 and March 2020 in 85 general practitioner practices in Bulgaria. Adolescents (13–17 years) and children (5–12 years) with a clinical diagnosis of AURTI were randomly assigned to receive standard symptomatic therapy + Aviron Rapid or placebo for 5 and 7 days, respectively. The primary endpoints of this trial were the number (and percentage) of clinically recovered patients and the mean disease duration.

Results: In total, 380 adolescents and 401 children were enrolled in 2 age cohorts and randomly assigned to treatment with Aviron Rapid or placebo. The percentage of patients meeting the criteria for clinical recovery was significantly higher in the Aviron Rapid group compared with the placebo group from 24 and 48 hours after initiation of treatment in adolescents and children, respectively. Aviron Rapid treatment significantly reduced the duration of disease, of fever, and of antipyretics intake in both adolescents and children. When compared to placebo, a significantly higher percentage of adolescents and children on Aviron Rapid achieved a persistent decrease in temperature of less than 37°C as soon as 24 hours after starting treatment. Overall, a low number of adverse events was reported and no major differences in the incidence of individual adverse events were observed between the two treatment groups in both cohorts.

Conclusions: This clinical trial demonstrated the efficacy of Aviron Rapid in the management of acute upper respiratory tract infections in adolescents and children. Aviron Rapid treatment rapidly increased the number of clinically recovered patients and reduced overall disease duration and duration of symptoms, in particular fever, while being well tolerated.

Trial registration: International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) 12221500. Retrospectively registered on 29 March 2022. [https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN12221500]


antivirals, acute upper respiratory tract infections, andrographolide, proprietary spirulina, humic acid

List of abbreviations

AE adverse event

AURTI acute upper respiratory tract infection

CI confidence interval

FPS-R modified face pain scale

GP general practitioner

VAS visual analogue scale


acute upper respiratory tract infections (AURTIs) are associated with a significant burden of disease. Easy airdrop transmission, short incubation time, and short-lived specific immunity contribute to more than 17 billion incident cases worldwide in 2019, resulting in a considerable non-fatal burden as the symptoms may significantly affect quality of life and productivity.[1] Healthcare costs are estimated to exceed 40 billion dollars per year in the United States[2], with an even higher economic burden attributable to loss of productivity. Children are particularly susceptible to suffering from AURTIs[3], with an average of 6 to 8 episodes per year, compared with 2 to 4 episodes in adults[4, 5]. The majority of AURTIs are caused by viruses, most commonly rhinoviruses. Most treatments focus on symptom relief, including over-the-counter analgesics, zinc, nasal decongestants, and ipratropium for cough. The few safe and effective antiviral treatments available for clinical practice are not routinely used. These include M2 channel blockers[6] (amantadine and rimantadine) with demonstrated effectiveness against influenza A virus, and neuraminidase inhibitors[7] (oseltamivir and zanamivir) with activity against influenza A and B viruses. However, considering that AURTIs are mostly self-limiting and mild in severity, the use of antivirals is limited to immunocompromised patients who are more likely to develop severe infections or complications. In addition, oseltamivir-resistant viral strains have been isolated from patients, particularly immunocompromised patients.[8] Frequent mutations of influenza viruses have also led to considerable resistance to M2 channel blockers.[9] Therefore, novel therapeutic options with broad clinical antiviral efficacy and safety are an unmet medical need in the management of AURTIs.

Aviron Rapid® is a dietary supplement consisting of andrographolide, proprietary spirulina extract, and humic acid racemic mixture[10] and is indicated in adults and children (>5 years). Andrographolide, spirulina, and humic acid have shown to be effective in the treatment of AURTIs[11–15], predominantly through the prevention of viral attachment, blocking of viral reproductive mechanisms, and stimulation of the immune system.


The main objective of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Aviron Rapid in patients with a viral AURTI clinically diagnosed by their general practitioner (GP) and treated according to standard medical practice.

Materials and methods

This was a multi-center, Phase 4, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with Aviron Rapid in patients with a viral AURTI, recruited from 85 GP practices in Bulgaria between January 27 and March 9, 2020. The trial included 3 age cohorts: adults (18–60 years), adolescents (13–17 years; also referred to as ‘the adolescent cohort’), and children (5–12 years; also referred to as ‘the pediatric cohort’). Informed consent was obtained from all participants participating in the study. Efficacy and safety data of the adult cohort in this trial have been reported previously.[10] Here, we report efficacy and safety data from the adolescent and pediatric cohorts.

Trial population

Male and female adolescents (13–17 years, both inclusive) and children (5–12 years, both inclusive) with a clinical diagnosis of a viral AURTI were enrolled in the trial. Diagnosis by the GP was based on 1) an axillary temperature of more than 37.0°C and 2) presence of one or more of the following symptoms with onset of the first symptom within 24 hours before screening: nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, and sleep disturbance. Patients with clinical symptoms of severe flu or AURTI requiring hospitalization, or with symptoms similar to AURTI but related to other underlying diseases (infectious diseases, flu-like syndrome in systemic connective tissue disease, onco-hematologic, and other diseases) were excluded. Other exclusion criteria focused on past or current use of medications or medical disorders that could potentially confound trial results or interfere with safe completion of the trial.

Trial design

Adolescents and children presenting to a GP practice with symptoms suggestive of viral AURTIs were clinically examined (including measurement of axillary temperature) by the GP on day 1 and, if eligible, were enrolled and randomly assigned (1:1) to receive active treatment or placebo in a double-blinded fashion. Patients in the active group (Group 1) received standard symptomatic therapy + Aviron Rapid, patients in the placebo group (Group 2) received standard symptomatic therapy + placebo.

Randomization of patients was done using software designed by an external, independent vendor and was stratified by center. The active and placebo treatments were packed in blisters and delivered to the GP practices in white paper boxes, labeled with unique treatment codes. Manufacturing, packaging, and labeling were performed by the sponsor of the trial. Patients, GPs, and the sponsor’s project team were blinded to treatment group assignments throughout the trial and until database lock.

On day 1, patients or their parents were given a diary to record axillary temperature, antipyretics intake, symptom severity, and recovery status twice daily with 12-hour intervals (once in the morning, once in the evening) during the treatment period, i.e., days 1 to 5 for adolescents and days 1 to 7 for children. Adolescents recorded data in the diary under supervision of their parents. For children, data was recorded by the parents. After the end of treatment, on day 6 (adolescents) or day 8 (children), patients returned to the GP practice for a closing visit. During this visit, the GP clinically examined (including measurement of axillary temperature) the patient and verified completeness of the data recorded in the diary. In addition, on day 1, symptom severity was assessed and on day 6, a general evaluation of the patient’s condition (recorded as ‘healthy’ or ‘ill’) was performed.

Trial treatment

Aviron Rapid was provided as 647-mg tablets for oral use containing 10 mg andrographolide, 100 mg proprietary spirulina extract, and 250 mg proprietary humic acid racemic mixture. Placebo was provided as tablets visually matching the Aviron Rapid tablets. Patients were treated according to the following schedule: adolescents: 3 tablets 3 times daily on day 1, 2 tablets 3 times daily on day 2, and 1 tablet 3 times daily on days 3 to 5; children: 2 tablets 3 times daily on day 1 and 1 tablet 3 times daily on days 2 to 7. Tablets were taken with water, in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. Standard symptomatic therapy included non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestants, bronchodilators, mucolytics, antitussives, and other drugs for treatment of chronic diseases. Use of other antiviral remedies, antihistamines, antibiotics, and interferons was not allowed.

Efficacy outcome measures and assessments

The primary endpoints of this trial were the number (and percentage) of clinically recovered patients and the mean disease duration. Patients were considered clinically recovered if the following 3 criteria were met: 1) persistent improvement of every symptom to “very mild” or “lack of symptoms” (severity score <2 as measured on a visual analogue scale [VAS] for adolescents or a modified face pain scale [FPS-R] for children) until the end of follow-up and a total severity score for all symptoms [i.e. the sum of the 6 individual symptom severity scores] <12 points; 2) persistent decrease of the axillary temperature to <37.0°C, i.e. temperature <37.0°C at 2 consecutive measurements with a 12-hour interval and no new increase >37°C (i.e., fever) until the end of follow-up; 3) the decrease in axillary temperature <37°C was achieved without the use of antipyretics. The severity of the symptoms nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, and sleep disturbance was measured using a VAS (for adolescents) or FPS-R (for children) ranging from 0 to 10 with 0 = lack of symptoms and 10 = very severe symptoms. Disease duration was defined as the interval between treatment initiation and the time point at which the patient met the criteria for clinically recovery. The primary endpoints were assessed twice daily with 12-hour intervals during the treatment period (days 1 to 5 for adolescents or days 1 to 7 for children) and recorded in the patient’s diary.

Secondary efficacy endpoints included number (and percentage) of patients with persistent decrease of the axillary temperature <37.0°C without the use of antipyretics, mean time to persistent decrease of the axillary temperature <37.0°C, number (and percentage) of patients taking antipyretics, mean duration of antipyretic treatment, mean total severity score for all symptoms, number (and percentage) of patients with persistent improvement of a particular symptom (severity score <2), and number (and percentage) of patients considered fully recovered. Patients were considered fully recovered if at 2 consecutive measurements with a 12-hour interval they scored 2 or 3 on a scale ranging from 1 to 3 with 1 = I still feel ill; 2 = I feel better; 3 = I feel healthy. Secondary efficacy endpoints were assessed twice daily at 12-hour intervals and recorded in the patient’s diary from day 1 to the end of treatment (day 5 [adolescents] or day 7 [children]) for axillary temperature, antipyretics intake, and symptom-related endpoints, and from day 1 to the closing visit (day 6 [adolescents] or day 8 [children]) for full recovery status.

Safety outcome measures and assessments

Safety-related endpoints included the incidence of adverse events (AEs), as recorded in the patient’s diary during the treatment period, and physical examinations by the GP on days 1 and 6 (adolescents) or 8 (children).

Statistical analysis

The statistical analyses were done by an external blinded statistician. In both cohorts, a total number of 320 patients (160 per treatment group) were required to detect a difference of 5% between the two treatment groups with 80% power.

All patients who completed the treatment and all planned trial visits per protocol and did not have protocol deviations were included in the efficacy analyses. For the primary endpoint analysis, the 2-proportion Z-test was used to compare the percentages of clinically recovered patients between the active and placebo group. The mean disease duration in both groups was compared using an independent samples t-test. The secondary endpoints were analyzed using the same statistical methods as used for the primary endpoint analyses.

The safety analysis included all patients who received at least one dose of Aviron Rapid or a placebo. The incidence of AEs was summarized descriptively. All statistical tests were two-sided except for the 2-proportion Z-test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 17.


Patient disposition and baseline demographics

The trial started on 27 January 2020 (i.e., enrolment of the first patient in the trial) and was completed on 14 March 2020 (i.e., end of follow-up for the last patient in the trial). In total, 380 adolescents and 401 children were enrolled in the respective cohorts and randomly assigned to one of the two treatment groups. Safety analyses included all randomized patients. Efficacy analyses comprised 329 adolescents and 319 children. The reasons for excluding patients from the efficacy analysis are shown in Fig. 1.

Overall, in the adolescent cohort, the mean age was 14.6 years and 54% of patients were male. In the pediatric cohort, the mean age was 8.6 years and 51% of patients were male. Patient demographics were comparable in the two treatment groups in both cohorts. The total symptom severity score at baseline was slightly higher in the adolescent cohort (25.6 and 24.9 in the active and placebo group, respectively) compared with the pediatric cohort (24.6 and 23.5, respectively). The mean axillary temperature was 38°C in the active and placebo groups in both cohorts. The percentages of patients reporting any symptom at baseline were generally lower in the pediatric cohort, compared with the adolescent cohort. Nasal congestion was the most common symptom in both cohorts (reported in >91% of adolescents and >88% of children). There were no significant differences between the active and placebo group in both cohorts (Table 1).

For nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, and sleep disturbance, n (%) refers to the number (and percentage) of patients with a particular symptom at baseline; the mean values refer to the mean severity of a particular symptom at baseline.

Figure 1.

Patient disposition (Safety Analysis). Safety analysis included all patients who received at least one dose of Aviron Rapid or placebo. Efficacy analysis included all patients who completed treatment and all planned trial visits per protocol, and did not have protocol deviations.

Table 1.

Patient demographics and baseline symptoms (efficacy analysis)

Parameter Statistics Adolescents (13-17 years) Children (5-12 years)
Active (Aviron Rapid) (n=172) Placebo (n=157) Active (Aviron Rapid) (n=161) Placebo (n=158)
Age (years) Mean 14.58 14.59 8.83 8.42
95% CI (14.29, 14.71) (14.28, 14.72) (8.50, 9.16) (8.07, 8.75)
Male n (%) 91 (52.9%) 87 (55.4%) 76 (47.2%) 86 (54.4%)
Total symptom severity score Mean 25.6 24.9 24.6 23.5
95% CI (24.13, 27.10) (23.28, 26.52) (23.10, 26.10) (21.93, 25.10)
Axillary temperature (°C) Mean 38.15 38.11 38.09 38.23
95% CI (38.05, 38.25) (38.01, 38.21) (38.14, 38.34) (38.00, 38.21)
Nasal congestion n (%) 160 (93.0%) 143 (91.1%) 148 (91.9%) 140 (88.6%)
Mean 4.71 4.67 5.01 4.76
Cough n (%) 155 (90.1%) 142 (90.4%) 139 (86.3%) 142 (89.9%)
Mean 4.74 4.90 5.25 4.65
Sore throat n (%) 164 (95.3%) 151 (96.2%) 129 (80.1%) 125 (79.1%)
Mean 5.22 5.19 5.36 5.62
Headache n (%) 163 (94.8%) 143 (91.1%) 122 (75.8%) 129 (81.6%)
Mean 4.83 4.63 4.87 4.79
Fatigue n (%) 164 (95.3%) 149 (94.9%) 145 (90.1%) 139 (88.0%)
Mean 5.48 5.25 5.19 4.98
Sleep disturbance n (%) 114 (66.3%) 108 (68.8%) 109 (67.7%) 89 (56.3%)
Mean 3.26 2.88 3.47 3.12

Primary Endpoint

In the adolescent cohort, the percentages of patients meeting the criteria for clinical recovery were consistently higher in the active group compared with the placebo group from 24 hours after initiation of treatment (i.e., morning of day 2: 8.1% versus 1.9%, respectively; p=0.0055) until the end of treatment (i.e., evening of day 5: 90.7% versus 80.9%; p=0.0052). Differences were statistically significant (p<0.05) as of the morning of day 2 onwards until end of treatment, except for the morning of day 4 (p=0.0786) (Fig. 2) (Supplementary Table 1) (see Appendix). The mean disease duration was significantly lower in the active group (75 h, 95% CI: 70.80, 79.20) compared with the placebo group (85 h, 95% CI: 80.90, 89.10) (p=0.003) (Fig. 3).

Similar results were obtained in the pediatric cohort with consistently higher percentages of clinically recovered patients in the active group compared with the placebo group from 24 hours after initiation of treatment (i.e., morning of day 2: 5.6% versus 4.4%, respectively; p=0.31) until end of treatment (i.e., evening of day 7: 98.8% versus 89.2%; p=0.001). Differences were statistically significant (p<0.05) as of the morning of day 3 and throughout the treatment period (Fig. 2) (Supplementary Table 1) (see Appendix). The mean disease duration was significantly lower in the active group (85 h, 95% CI: 79.50, 90.50) compared with the placebo group (101 h, 95% CI: 94.40, 107.60) (p=0.003) (Fig. 3).

Figure 2.

Primary endpoint: percentage clinically recovered patients (Efficacy Analysis). P-values from 1-sided 2-proportion Z-test.

Figure 3.

Primary endpoint: mean disease duration (Efficacy Analysis). P-values from 2-sided independent samples T-test.

Secondary endpoints

Persistent decrease of temperature

From the morning of day 2 onwards until the end of treatment, the percentage of patients in the adolescent and pediatric cohorts with a persistent temperature decrease of <37°C was consistently higher in the active group than that in the placebo group, with the biggest difference between the two treatment groups being noticed on the morning of day 5 in adolescents (90.7% versus 77.7%; p<0.001) and on the evening of day 3 in children (58.4% versus 38.6%; p=0.001) (Fig. 4) (Supplementary Table 2) (see Appendix). In both cohorts, the mean time to persistent decrease of temperature was significantly lower in the active group compared with the placebo group (65 h, 95% CI: 60.80, 69.20 vs. 74 h, 95% CI: 69.30, 78.70 in adolescents [p=0.005] and 48 h, 95% CI: 42.50, 53.50 vs. 72 h, 95% CI: 65.80, 78.20 in children [p=0.001]) (Fig. 5).

Antipyretics use

The percentage of adolescent patients taking antipyretics was consistently lower in the active group compared with the placebo group from the evening of day 1 onwards until the end of treatment. In the pediatric cohort, statistically significantly lower percentages of patients on antipyretics were observed as of the morning of day 3 until the end of treatment (Fig. 6) (Supplementary Table 3) (see Appendix). The mean duration of antipyretics intake was significantly lower in the active group compared with the placebo group, both in the adolescent cohort (50 h, 95% CI: 45.90, 54.10 vs. 58 h, 95% CI: 53.60, 62.30; p=0.007) and in the pediatric cohort (43 h, 95% CI: 39.40, 46.60 vs. 62 h, 95% CI: 56.00, 68.00; p<0.001) (Fig. 7).

Figure 4.

Secondary endpoints: Percentage of patients with persistent decrease of temperature <37°C (Efficacy Analysis). P-values from 1-sided 2-proportion Z-test.

Figure 5.

Secondary endpoints: mean time to persistent decrease of temperature <37°C (Efficacy Analysis). P-values from 2-sided independent samples T-test.

Figure 6.

Secondary endpoints: percentage of patients taking antipyretics (Efficacy Analysis). P-values from 1-sided 2-proportion Z test for adolescents and 2-sided Pearson chi-square test for children.

Figure 7.

Secondary endpoints: mean duration of antipyretics intake (Efficacy Analysis). P-values from 2-sided independent samples T-test.

Table 2.

Incidence of adverse events (safety analysis)

Adolescents (13-17 years) Children (5-12 years)
Active (Aviron Rapid) (n=192) Placebo (n=188) Active (Aviron Rapid) (n=203) Placebo (n=198)
Any adverse event, n (%) 14 (7.3%) 23 (12.2%) 30 (14.8%) 27 (13.6%)
Antibiotic treatment for unknown reason 13 (6.8%) 17 (9.0%) 20 (9.9%) 18 (9.1%)
Bronchitis 0 (0%) 2 (1.1%) 6 (3.0%) 4 (2.0%)
Hospitalization 1 (0.5%) 0 (0%) 2 (1.0%) 2 (1.0%)
Otitis 0 (0%) 2 (1.1%) 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.5%)
Laryngitis 0 (0%) 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.5%) 0 (0%)
Acute tonsillitis 0 (0%) 1 (0.5%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.5%)
Allergic reaction 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.5%)

Symptom severity

The mean total severity of clinical symptoms in the adolescents in the active group was consistently lower than that in the placebo group from the evening of day 1 until the end of treatment, with day 3 showing the biggest difference between the two groups (Supplementary Table 4) (see Appendix). For nasal congestion, cough, and sleep disturbance, the percentages of adolescents with persistent improvement were consistently higher in the active group compared with the placebo group throughout the entire treatment period. As of the morning of day 2 until the end of treatment, a higher percentage of patients in the active group had persistent improvement of sore throat compared with the placebo group. No relevant differences between the two groups were observed for headache and fatigue (Supplementary Tables 5–10) (see Appendix).

Among children in the active group, the mean total severity of clinical symptoms was consistently lower than that of the placebo group as of the morning of day 3 until the end of treatment. Before that time point, the mean total score was higher in the placebo group (Supplementary Table 4) (see Appendix). A similar pattern was observed for the individual symptoms nasal of congestion and cough, for which statistically significantly higher percentages of children with persistent improvement in the active group were only observed from day 5 (for nasal congestion) or day 6 (for cough) onwards. For fatigue, sore throat, and sleep disturbance, the percentages of children with persistent improvement were consistently higher in the active group compared with the placebo group as of the evening of day 1 or the morning of day 2 and throughout the entire treatment period. The largest difference between the two groups was observed on days 3 and 4 for fatigue and sleep disturbance, and on days 4 and 5 for sore throat. For headache, similar percentages were observed in both groups throughout the treatment period until the morning of day 6. As of the evening of day 6 until the end of treatment, significantly higher percentages of patients in the active group had persistent improvement of headache compared with the placebo group (Supplementary Tables 5–10) (see Appendix).

The percentage of adolescents and children being considered fully recovered was consistently higher in the active group as of the evening of day 2 or the evening of day 1, respectively, until nearly all patients in both groups reached full recovery by the end of treatment (Supplementary Table 11) (see Appendix).

Safety endpoints

In both cohorts, the incidence of AEs was similar in the active and placebo groups. No serious AEs were reported. In the adolescent cohort, 14 (7.3%) patients in the active group and 23 (12.2%) in the placebo group reported AEs, the most common being antibiotic treatment for unknown reason (reported in 13 [6.8%] and 17 [9.0%] patients, respectively). In the pediatric cohort, 30 (14.8%) and 27 (13.6%) patients in the active and placebo group, respectively, reported AEs, the most common also being antibiotic treatment for unknown reason (in 20 [9.9%] and 18 [9.1%] patients, respectively) (Table 2). Only one child in the placebo group experienced an AE of allergic reaction, and one adolescent (in the active group) and four children (2 in each treatment group) were hospitalized. No clinically relevant findings were reported for physical examinations.


Acute upper respiratory tract infections are a major cause of morbidity and one of the most frequent reasons for children and adults to visit GP offices. Given that the majority of AURTIs have a viral etiology, their management is often limited to symptomatic medications. However, there is no conclusive evidence that these medications also shorten symptom duration.[16, 17] Moreover, the use of over-the-counter medications for AURTIs in children is often limited given the higher risk of side effects.[18] The rapid evolvement of certain viruses to escape human immunity limits the efficacy of antivirals and complicates the development of vaccines. Given the major burden AURTIs have on society due to missed work and (unnecessary) medical care and the emergence of new viruses potentially giving rise to major outbreaks or even pandemics, novel approaches with efficacy against a broad range of common viruses are urgently needed. In this trial, an alternative approach in the management of AURTIs was evaluated, relying on the potential synergistic activity of three naturally occurring ingredients with demonstrated in vitro and in vivo antiviral effects. Aviron Rapid is a dietary supplement approved for human use containing andrographolide, proprietary spirulina extract, and humic acid, which have the potential to target viral replication at different levels, including viral cell surface attachment[19], viral envelope fusion to the endosomal membrane[20], viral RNA polymerase endonuclease activity[21], and intracellular viral particle transport[22]. The clinical benefit of Aviron Rapid in the management of AURTIs in adolescents and children was supported by results obtained in the adult cohort of this trial[10], which demonstrated that daily use of Aviron Rapid for 5 days decreases disease duration, intake of antipyretics, and symptom severity. Significant differences were observed as early as 12 or 24 hours after initiation of treatment.

This clinical trial demonstrated that daily use of Aviron Rapid for 5 (adolescents) or 7 (children) days in combination with standard symptomatic therapy resulted in a significantly shorter duration of disease compared with placebo. The percentage of clinically recovered patients was significantly higher in adolescents and children on Aviron Rapid than in those on placebo from 24 and 48 hours after start of treatment, respectively. Aviron Rapid intake significantly reduced the duration of fever (i.e., an axillary temperature >37°C) and the duration of antipyretics intake. As early as 24 hours after start of treatment, a significantly higher percentage of adolescents and children on Aviron Rapid achieved persistent decrease of temperature <37°C. The effect of Aviron Rapid treatment on symptom relief was generally more pronounced in adolescents than in children. Remarkably, throughout the entire treatment period, a higher percentage of adolescents on Aviron Rapid experienced relief of nasal congestion, cough, and sleep disturbance compared with placebo. In children, a similar beneficial effect on nasal congestion and cough was observed, though it became apparent later in the course of disease (i.e. by days 5 and 6, respectively). The largest difference in percentage of patients with relief of sore throat between the Aviron Rapid and placebo group was observed on days 3 and 4 for adolescents and on days 4 and 5 for children.

Across both cohorts, a low number of AEs was reported and no major differences in the incidence of individual AEs were observed between the two treatment groups.

The results of this trial confirm the promising results previously obtained with Aviron Rapid in adults[10] and warrant further research into the potential synergistic effects of the three active ingredients in Aviron Rapid in the management of viral AURTIs. The therapeutic potential of Aviron Rapid in this age group is further supported by the fact that children are even more susceptible to AURTIs than adults are.

Given that the standard approach to managing AURTIs in contemporary outpatient practice does not include testing to identify the infectious agent, one limitation of this trial was the lack of confirmation of the viral etiology of the AURTIs. Moreover, it cannot be guaranteed that the trial included only patients who visited their general practitioner’s office within 24 hours of the onset of their first symptom. Another limitation of the trial was the relatively small sample size.


The results of this trial in adolescents and children confirms previous data reporting on the efficacy of Aviron Rapid, a dietary supplement containing andrographolide, proprietary spirulina extract, and humic acid, in the management of AURTIs in adults. Aviron Rapid treatment rapidly increased the number of clinically recovered patients and reduced overall disease duration and duration of symptoms, in particular fever, while being well tolerated.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

The trial protocol and informed consent were approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Pediatric Consultative Clinic, Ltd, Bulgaria (on November 30, 2019, ref No. 033/30.10.2019). The trial was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the protocol, the International Council for Harmonisation for Good Clinical Practice Guideline E6 (R2), and local ethical and legal requirements. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients’ parents prior to trial entry.

Consent for publication

Not applicable

Availability of data and materials

The dataset supporting the conclusions of this article is included within the article (and the Supplementary Tables).

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


This trial was funded by Neopharm Bulgaria Ltd. The funder of the trial had no role in the trial design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the manuscript.

Author Contribution

Conceptualization of the trial: R.M.M., I.S.T, and L.N.; Trial methodology: R.M.M., I.S.T, and L.N.; Investigation of participants: R.M.M., I.S.T, P.P., and A.M.; Supervision of the trial: R.M.M. and I.S.T.; Validation of trial data: P.P. and R.M.M.; Project administration: A.M.; Visualization of trial data: I.S.T., R.M.M., and P.P.; Resources: L.N.; Data curation, Formal analysis, Software: V.H. All authors contributed to data analysis, drafting, and revising the manuscript. All authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript.


Medical writing support was provided by Ans Rombout, Emtex Life Science, Belgium. The authors would like to thank all GPs and patients (and their parents) who participated in the trial.


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Supplementary tables

Additional tables which present results of the trial not included in the body of the manuscript.

Table S1.

Primary endpoint: number and percentage of clinically recovered patients (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=172 N=157
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 2 - morning 14 8.1 3 1.9 0.0055
Day 2 - evening 24 14.0 8 5.1 0.0033
Day 3 - morning 42 24.4 23 14.6 0.0128
Day 3 - evening 58 33.7 37 23.6 0.0217
Day 4 - morning 89 51.7 69 43.9 0.0786
Day 4 - evening 112 65.1 88 56.1 0.0474
Day 5 - morning 141 82.0 112 71.3 0.0107
Day 5 - evening 156 90.7 127 80.9 0.0052
Children (5-12 years) N=161 N=158
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 2 - morning 9 5.6 7 4.4 0.31
Day 2 - evening 14 8.7 11 7.0 0.28
Day 3 - morning 25 15.5 17 10.8 0.01
Day 3 - evening 52 32.3 35 22.2 0.02
Day 4 - morning 72 44.7 55 34.8 0.03
Day 4 - evening 87 54.0 67 42.4 0.01
Day 5 - morning 111 68.9 87 55.1 0.005
Day 5 - evening 120 74.5 100 63.3 0.01
Day 6 - morning 139 86.3 115 72.8 0.001
Day 6 - evening 148 91.9 123 77.8 0.001
Day 7 - morning 152 94.4 135 85.4 0.003
Day 7 - evening 159 98.8 141 89.2 0.001
Table S2.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients with persistent decrease of temperature <37°C (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=172 N=157
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 2 - morning 26 15.1 14 8.9 0.0427
Day 2 - evening 38 22.1 22 14.0 0.0287
Day 3 - morning 59 34.3 44 28.0 0.1092
Day 3 - evening 82 47.7 60 38.2 0.0411
Day 4 - morning 121 70.3 96 61.1 0.0393
Day 4 - evening 136 79.1 107 68.2 0.0173
Day 5 - morning 156 90.7 122 77.7 <0.001
Day 5 - evening 164 95.3 135 86.0 0.0017
Children (5-12 years) N=161 N=158
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 2 - morning 35 21.7 20 12.7 0.016
Day 2 - evening 49 30.4 32 20.3 0.019
Day 3 - morning 76 47.2 49 31.0 0.001
Day 3 - evening 94 58.4 61 38.6 0.001
Day 4 - morning 105 65.2 82 51.9 0.008
Day 4 - evening 111 68.9 96 60.8 0.064
Day 5 - morning 131 81.4 117 74.1 0.051
Day 5 - evening 140 87.0 123 77.8 0.015
Day 6 - morning 151 93.8 136 86.1 0.011
Day 6 - evening 157 97.5 140 88.6 0.001
Day 7 - morning 159 98.8 151 95.6 0.041
Day 7 - evening 161 100.0 154 97.5 0.021
Table S3.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients taking antipyretics (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=172 N=157
Initial visit/Baseline 172 100.0 157 100.0 -
Day 1 - evening 134 77.9 135 86.0 0.0287
Day 2 - morning 101 58.7 110 70.1 0.0156
Day 2 - evening 101 58.7 103 65.6 0.0989
Day 3 - morning 64 37.2 75 47.8 0.0259
Day 3 - evening 49 28.5 62 39.5 0.0175
Day 4 - morning 16 9.3 28 17.8 0.0175
Day 4 - evening 12 7.0 19 12.1 0.0570
Day 5 - morning 6 3.5 8 5.1 0.2365
Day 5 - evening 2 1.2 6 3.8 0.0634
Children (5-12 years) N=161 N=158
Initial visit/Baseline 161 100.0 158 100.0 -
Day 1 - evening 126 78.3 132 83.5 0.230
Day 2 - morning 97 60.2 107 67.7 0.165
Day 2 - evening 84 52.2 99 62.7 0.058
Day 3 - morning 53 32.9 77 48.7 0.004
Day 3 - evening 47 29.2 75 47.5 < 0.001
Day 4 - morning 18 11.2 45 28.5 < 0.001
Day 4 - evening 15 9.3 46 29.1 < 0.001
Day 5 - morning 9 5.6 29 18.4 < 0.001
Day 5 - evening 3 1.9 22 13.9 < 0.001
Day 6 - morning 1 0.6 14 8.9 < 0.001
Day 6 - evening 0 0.0 14 8.9 < 0.001
Day 7 - morning 0 0.0 8 5.1 0.004
Day 7 - evening 0 0.0 8 5.1 0.004
Table S4.

Secondary endpoint: mean total severity of clinical symptoms (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=172 N=157
Initial visit/Baseline 25.6 24.9 0.515
Day 1 - evening 25.4 26.0 0.625
Day 2 - morning 22.4 23.8 0.238
Day 2 - evening 20.0 21.5 0.215
Day 3 - morning 14.6 17.2 0.017
Day 3 - evening 12.6 14.8 0.041
Day 4 - morning 9.3 10.6 0.149
Day 4 - evening 7.3 8.5 0.159
Day 5 - morning 5.3 6.2 0.171
Day 5 - evening 3.6 4.8 0.071
Children (5-12 years) N=161 N=158
Initial visit/Baseline 24.6 23.5 0.304
Day 1 - evening 25.4 24.0 0.239
Day 2 - morning 22.0 21.4 0.655
Day 2 - evening 20.1 19.6 0.663
Day 3 - morning 16.5 16.6 0.93
Day 3 - evening 14.6 15.8 0.271
Day 4 - morning 11.4 13.2 0.077
Day 4 - evening 10.0 11.7 0.094
Day 5 - morning 7.5 9.2 0.034
Day 5 - evening 6.9 7.8 0.233
Day 6 - morning 5.3 6.8 0.028
Day 6 - evening 4.3 5.4 0.07
Day 7 - morning 3.1 4.2 0.034
Day 7 - evening 2.2 3.4 0.009
Table S5.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients without nasal congestion (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=160 N=143
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 20 12.5 9 6.3 0.0335
Day 2 - morning 22 13.8 12 8.4 0.0688
Day 2 - evening 32 20.0 15 10.5 0.0113
Day 3 - morning 44 27.5 24 16.8 0.0129
Day 3 - evening 54 33.8 33 23.1 0.0200
Day 4 - morning 74 46.3 55 38.5 0.0852
Day 4 - evening 96 60.0 68 47.6 0.0153
Day 5 - morning 120 75.0 90 62.9 0.0113
Day 5 - evening 133 83.1 99 69.2 0.0022
Children (5-12 years) N=148 N=140
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 9 6.1 11 7.9 0.72
Day 2 - morning 10 6.8 13 9.3 0.78
Day 2 - evening 14 9.5 15 10.7 0.63
Day 3 - morning 19 12.8 26 18.6 0.91
Day 3 - evening 31 20.9 30 21.4 0.54
Day 4 - morning 50 33.8 43 30.7 0.29
Day 4 - evening 63 42.6 54 38.6 0.24
Day 5 - morning 84 56.8 68 48.6 0.08
Day 5 - evening 91 61.5 73 52.1 0.05
Day 6 - morning 105 70.9 82 58.6 0.01
Day 6 - evening 118 79.7 97 69.3 0.02
Day 7 - morning 128 86.5 108 77.1 0.01
Day 7 - evening 136 91.9 116 82.9 0.01
Table S6.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients without cough (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=155 N=142
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 24 15.5 14 9.9 0.0747
Day 2 - morning 29 18.7 17 12.0 0.0555
Day 2 - evening 37 23.9 20 14.1 0.0161
Day 3 - morning 47 30.3 24 16.9 0.0034
Day 3 - evening 54 34.8 32 22.5 0.0098
Day 4 - morning 71 45.8 49 34.5 0.0237
Day 4 - evening 83 53.5 65 45.8 0.0925
Day 5 - morning 108 69.7 85 59.9 0.0385
Day 5 - evening 123 79.4 102 71.8 0.0634
Children (5-12 years) N=139 N=142
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 5 3.6 5 3.5 0.48
Day 2 - morning 6 4.3 10 7.0 0.83
Day 2 - evening 10 7.2 12 8.5 0.65
Day 3 - morning 11 7.9 17 12.0 0.87
Day 3 - evening 19 13.7 22 15.5 0.66
Day 4 - morning 34 24.5 35 24.6 0.51
Day 4 - evening 42 30.2 46 32.4 0.65
Day 5 - morning 59 42.4 58 40.8 0.39
Day 5 - evening 68 48.9 66 46.5 0.34
Day 6 - morning 83 59.7 73 51.4 0.08
Day 6 - evening 98 70.5 85 59.9 0.03
Day 7 - morning 113 81.3 101 71.1 0.02
Day 7 - evening 124 89.2 111 78.2 0.01
Table S7.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients without sore throat (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=164 N=151
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 20 12.2 19 12.6 0.5429
Day 2 - morning 31 18.9 28 18.5 0.4638
Day 2 - evening 45 27.4 40 26.5 0.4287
Day 3 - morning 67 40.9 49 32.5 0.0613
Day 3 - evening 84 51.2 61 40.4 0.0273
Day 4 - morning 119 72.6 92 60.9 0.0137
Day 4 - evening 131 79.9 107 70.9 0.0316
Day 5 - morning 143 87.2 127 84.1 0.2161
Day 5 - evening 154 93.9 139 92.1 0.2653
Children (5-12 years) N=129 N=125
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 15 11.6 15 12.0 0.54
Day 2 - morning 23 17.8 21 16.8 0.42
Day 2 - evening 32 24.8 26 20.8 0.22
Day 3 - morning 50 38.8 46 36.8 0.37
Day 3 - evening 64 49.6 57 45.6 0.26
Day 4 - morning 85 65.9 68 54.4 0.03
Day 4 - evening 98 76.0 79 63.2 0.01
Day 5 - morning 107 82.9 89 71.2 0.01
Day 5 - evening 113 87.6 98 78.4 0.02
Day 6 - morning 121 93.8 109 87.2 0.03
Day 6 - evening 122 94.6 114 91.2 0.14
Day 7 - morning 127 98.4 118 94.4 0.04
Day 7 - evening 128 99.2 122 97.6 0.15
Table S8.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients without headache (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=163 N=143
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 23 14.1 22 15.4 0.6256
Day 2 - morning 41 25.2 36 25.2 0.5000
Day 2 - evening 61 37.4 46 32.2 0.1706
Day 3 - morning 96 58.9 77 53.8 0.1846
Day 3 - evening 112 68.7 91 63.6 0.1732
Day 4 - morning 130 79.8 111 77.6 0.3193
Day 4 - evening 142 87.1 119 83.2 0.1684
Day 5 - morning 151 92.6 132 92.3 0.4605
Day 5 - evening 158 96.9 135 94.4 0.1402
Children (5-12 years) N=122 N=129
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 13 10.7 19 14.7 0.82
Day 2 - morning 35 28.7 40 31.0 0.65
Day 2 - evening 52 42.6 55 42.6 0.5
Day 3 - morning 74 60.7 73 56.6 0.25
Day 3 - evening 83 68.0 83 64.3 0.26
Day 4 - morning 98 80.3 96 74.4 0.13
Day 4 - evening 104 85.2 103 79.8 0.13
Day 5 - morning 112 91.8 116 89.9 0.3
Day 5 - evening 113 92.6 118 91.5 0.37
Day 6 - morning 117 95.9 120 93.0 0.15
Day 6 - evening 120 98.4 121 93.8 0.03
Day 7 - morning 122 100.0 124 96.1 0.01
Day 7 - evening 122 100.0 126 97.7 0.04
Table S9.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients without fatigue (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=164 N=149
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 20 8.5 17 8.7 0.5251
Day 2 - morning 44 18.3 34 21.5 0.7609
Day 2 - evening 61 28.0 58 27.5 0.4607
Day 3 - morning 96 46.3 98 47.7 0.5979
Day 3 - evening 136 59.8 143 55.0 0.1955
Day 4 - morning 190 76.2 196 73.2 0.2708
Day 4 - evening 228 84.1 225 81.9 0.3022
Day 5 - morning 265 93.3 257 89.3 0.1038
Day 5 - evening 282 94.5 275 93.3 0.3285
Children (5-12 years) N=145 N=139
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 12 8.3 8 5.8 0.21
Day 2 - morning 31 21.4 23 16.5 0.14
Day 2 - evening 49 33.8 36 25.9 0.07
Day 3 - morning 79 54.5 61 43.9 0.03
Day 3 - evening 90 62.1 70 50.4 0.02
Day 4 - morning 112 77.2 92 66.2 0.02
Day 4 - evening 119 82.1 99 71.2 0.01
Day 5 - morning 128 88.3 113 81.3 0.04
Day 5 - evening 131 90.3 121 87.1 0.19
Day 6 - morning 138 95.2 126 90.6 0.06
Day 6 - evening 140 96.6 131 94.2 0.16
Day 7 - morning 142 97.9 133 95.7 0.14
Day 7 - evening 144 99.3 135 97.1 0.08
Table S10.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients without sleep disturbance (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=114 N=108
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 39 34.2 32 29.6 0.2313
Day 2 - morning 51 44.7 42 38.9 0.1907
Day 2 - evening 65 57.0 58 53.7 0.3105
Day 3 - morning 83 72.8 69 63.9 0.0769
Day 3 - evening 88 77.2 75 69.4 0.0943
Day 4 - morning 101 88.6 84 77.8 0.0154
Day 4 - evening 103 90.4 89 82.4 0.0406
Day 5 - morning 107 93.9 97 89.8 0.1315
Day 5 - evening 110 96.5 102 94.4 0.2258
Children (5-12 years) N=109 N=89
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 8 7.3 6 6.7 0.43
Day 2 - morning 29 26.6 23 25.8 0.44
Day 2 - evening 46 42.2 35 39.3 0.33
Day 3 - morning 63 57.8 42 47.2 0.06
Day 3 - evening 72 66.1 47 52.8 0.02
Day 4 - morning 82 75.2 57 64.0 0.04
Day 4 - evening 91 83.5 70 78.7 0.19
Day 5 - morning 95 87.2 74 83.1 0.21
Day 5 - evening 97 89.0 76 85.4 0.22
Day 6 - morning 102 93.6 80 89.9 0.17
Day 6 - evening 107 98.2 83 93.3 0.04
Day 7 - morning 108 99.1 84 94.4 0.02
Day 7 - evening 109 100.0 86 96.6 0.02
Table S11.

Secondary endpoint: number and percentage of patients considered fully recovered (Efficacy Analysis)

Time Point Active (Aviron Rapid) Placebo P-valuea
n cumulative % cumulative n cumulative % cumulative
Adolescents (13-17 years) N=172 N=157
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 2 - morning 55 32.0 32 20.4 0.0086
Day 2 - evening 107 62.2 71 45.2 0.0010
Day 3 - morning 125 72.7 95 60.5 0.0094
Day 3 - evening 148 86.0 131 83.4 0.2561
Day 4 - morning 162 94.2 141 89.8 0.0697
Day 4 - evening 168 97.7 151 96.2 0.2134
Day 5 - morning 171 99.4 155 98.7 0.2549
Day 5 - evening 172 100.0 157 100.0 -
Day 6 – morning (closing visit) 172 100.0 157 100.0 -
Children (5-12 years) N=161 N=158
Initial visit/Baseline 0 0.0 0 0.0 -
Day 1 - evening 31 19.3 27 17.1 0.305
Day 2 - morning 50 31.1 42 26.6 0.187
Day 2 - evening 82 50.9 66 41.8 0.051
Day 3 - morning 100 62.1 81 51.3 0.025
Day 3 - evening 124 77.0 104 65.8 0.013
Day 4 - morning 134 83.2 117 74.1 0.023
Day 4 - evening 143 88.8 130 82.3 0.049
Day 5 - morning 149 92.5 140 88.6 0.116
Day 5 - evening 156 96.9 145 91.8 0.024
Day 6 - morning 159 98.8 151 95.6 0.041
Day 6 - evening 161 100.0 156 98.7 0.073
Day 7 - morning 161 100.0 157 99.4 0.162
Day 7 - evening 161 100.0 158 100.0 -
Day 8 – morning (closing visit) 161 100.0 158 100.0 -
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